In the second of a five-part series on economic sustainability, Mark Scheffler lays the foundation for the case against infinite economic expansion in favor of an economic model that focuses instead on human achievement.

The Appleton Group recognizes that unlimited economic growth is neither sustainable nor desirable.  We exist in an industry driven by an incorrect assumption that economic growth is the same thing as human growth.  It is not.  Human development and prosperity can occur in an economy that exists with limits to growth and development.  This economic model is called a “steady state economy.”  It prioritizes the quality of growth over quantity, prosperity over consumption, and human achievement over an endless desire for “more.”  It uses capitalism to execute the delivery of goods and services within the economy, but uses democratic institutions to define what goods and services are desirable, necessary, and sustainable within that economy.


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Click here to buy Richard Heinberg’s The End of Growth.

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