In case you’re in a hurry, here are three things you need to know right now: First, Labor Day marks the official end of summer investing season and on balance the summer started stronger than it ended, led by technology which continues to be our largest single sector exposure. Second, the fight against inflation is still a struggle that has to be won, but it’s unfolding a LOT like it did in the early 1970s – and that should concern all of us. Third, while there are a bunch of reasons to include Appleton Group’s flexible investment strategies in your diversified portfolio of investments, I’ll give you what’s in my top 3: it’s the ability to have cash on-hand to buy over-inflated assets when a necessary market correction inevitably occurs. 

Ok, let’s jump right in. Three minutes starts now.  

Mark Scheffler, AIF®, hosts this Three Minute Trend Talk™, highlighting current investment and economic issues, clearTREND® recommendations for the positions used in all Appleton Group managed portfolios, global investment trends, and more (select 1080p HD for best resolution, 720p HD for slower connections).

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